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12th AIIMS Annual Spine Workshop - 2024

Live Operative Workshop & Conference

28th - 31st August 2024

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12th AIIMS Annual Spine Workshop - 2024

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Live Operative Workshop & Conference

28th - 31st August 2024

Spine Surgery Cadaveric Workshop

28th August 2024

Theme: Simplifying Complex Spinal Surgery

Invited Faculty


Prof. Massimiliano Visocchi

Prof. Massimiliano Visocchi
Professor Department of neurosurgery Catholic University, Italy

Cheol Woong Park, M.D., Ph.D.

Cheol Woong Park, M.D., Ph.D.
Founder & Director of Daejeon Woori Hospital. President of KOMISS(Korea Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery Society)

Prof. Sergey Vasilievich Kolesov

Prof. Sergey Vasilievich Kolesov
President of RASS (Russian Association of Spine Surgeon) Moscow


Dr Sushil Patkar

Dr Sushil Patkar
Professor and Head of Poona Hospital And Research Centre, Pune

Dr Rajakumar Deshpande
Director Neurosurgery, Fortis hospital, Bengaluru

Organized By:

Dept. Of Neurosurgery, AIIMS, New Delhi


20 Travel Scholarships

  • 20 Scholarship will be provided to young Neurosurgeons (<45 Years of age) by microneurosurgery society, for live operative workshop ( Not for the Cadaveric Workshop)
  • Scholarship Includes waiver of Registration Fees, Accommodation on twin sharing basis for 3 nights (28-30th ) and partial reimbursement of airfare (Rs 5,000).
  • To apply fill this form

Organizing Committee


Prof. P.N. Tandon
Emeritus Prof. Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi.

Prof. A.K. Banerjee
Emeritus Prof. Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi.

Organizing Chairman

Dr. Shashank S. Kale
Prof. HOD, Neurosurgery
AIIMS, New Delhi.

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Deepak Agrawal
Prof. Neurosurgery
AIIMS, New Delhi

Co-organizing secretaries

Dr P. K. Singh
Professor Neurosurgery, AIIMS

Dr. Sachin Borkar

Dr. Sachin Borkar
Professor Neurosurgery, AIIMS

Dr. Dattaraj Sawarkar
Addl. Professor Neurosurgery, AIIMS

Scientific Committee Chair(s)

Dr. P S Chandra
Prof, Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Dr. Ashish Suri

Dr. Ashish Suri
Prof Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi.

Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prof, Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Dr. Rajinder Kumar
Prof. Neurosurgery,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Cadaver Workshop Coordinators

➤ Dr. Ramesh Doddamani
➤ Dr Rajesh Kumar Meena

Live Op. Workshop Coordinators

➤ Dr. Rajeev Sharma
➤ Dr. Satish Kumar Verma

Acad.Content Coordinators

➤ Dr. Shweta Kedia
➤ Dr. Kanwaljeet Garg

Executive Committee

➤ Prof. Deepak Gupta
➤ Prof. G D Satyarthee
➤ Dr. Vivek Tandon
➤ Dr. Hitesh Gurjar
➤ Dr. Amandeep Kumar
➤ Dr Raghav Singla

➤ Dr. Shashwat Mishra
➤ Dr. Manoj Phalak
➤ Dr. Amol Raheja
➤ Dr. Santanu Bora
➤ Dr Gour Surya

First Time Ever! 360° Approach to Spine Surgery

The Department of Neurosurgery AIIMS, New Delhi is conducting the AIIMS Annual Spine Workshop from 28th Aug to 31st Aug 2024 at SET facility/conference hall, AIIMS, New Delhi.

A cadaveric workshop on spine surgery will be held on 28th August 2024 at ACSST, Trauma Centre, AIIMS, N Delhi. In a first of its kind workshop, this innovative 360 degree approach to learning will include didactic lectures, cadaveric demonstration & hands-on skill stations on cadavers as well as saw bone models, followed by live operative demonstrations.

This will ensure that participants become confident about the nuances of spine surgery. World renowned faculty in spine surgery will be showcasing their skills on cadavers as well as by performing surgeries and all OT’s will be telecast live in conference hall simultaneously for maximum interaction with the respective experts.

We welcome you to Delhi, the capital city of India for a never before academic feast and look forward to meeting you in AIIMS Annual Spine Workshop (AASW-2024) at AIIMS, Delhi.

Prof SS Kale
Organising Chairman

Prof Deepak Agrawal
Organising Secretary